Money For Nothing:
You might want to plan your next holiday in Japan, where
free money seems to be everywhere. In recent weeks, over
400 envelopes, each containing a 10,000 yen bill ($80), have been left
in public men's toilets all over Japan. Then, just last week, residents of a Tokyo apartment building found a total of 1.81 million yen ($15,210) stuffed into their mailboxes. And in another part of the city, a total of a million yen was falling out of sky, floating down another apartment building. Surprisingly, almost all of the money has been turned into the police, as most of the people who find the money fear that it may be the tainted profits from some criminal activity. "People are very, very worried,"said one lucky recipient of the free cash. "Put yourself in our shoes. We are very anxious." (BBC)