Hand #4994001469
Hand #4994001469
Dumb people stalling and raising when we get close to a milestone hand

Missed it by 281 yesterday.Close but not close enough.Some peeps were off by only 10.
This hand cost me the tourney. 2 minutes before break. Hand for Hand just over. I get pocket 8s in EP or MP. Have 26xBB. Decided to move All In. I've only played 3 hands in the last 2 orbits I think. Was busy over at the other table chasing the milestone. Guy who has me covered not by much calls with AJo. And an Ace falls on the
river and I finished 63rd out of 452 entrants.
I close down the lobby and focused on the milestone hand. It was at Hand #4993997849

So far haven't had any luck hitting the milestone hands but did manage to
pick up a few coins here and there.
May the flask be with you!

#4995500915 missed it by 915 this time...grrrrrrr!
9:51 AM
#4999999552 so close :sad:
5:26 PM
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